Deep space nine cast garik
Deep space nine cast garik

Garak remarks that he is lucky the phaser blast didn't kill him, and O'Brien replies that it was intended to do exactly that. Garak expresses his sincere regret over his actions O'Brien informs him there will be an inquest, but it will be made clear that Garak wasn't responsible for what he did. Back on DS9, O'Brien visits Garak in the infirmary. The three are rescued after collecting the parts they needed. O'Brien consents to lay down his weapons and face Garak in hand-to-hand combat, but disables him with his own trap, having rigged his phaser to explode. Garak captures Nog, using him to draw O'Brien out.

deep space nine cast garik

O'Brien realizes Garak has been affected by the same drug as the soldiers, and sets out to stop him. O'Brien and Nog discover Amaro, who tells them what happened, before dying from his injuries. The second soldier ambushes Boq'ta, but Garak emerges and kills him before he can kill Amaro, only to then stab Amaro himself. He returns after killing one of them, and relays his discovery that the soldiers had been subjected to psychotropic drugs which amplify their natural xenophobic tendencies. Garak decides to go on the offensive and track down the enemy soldiers himself. The Cardassian soldiers methodically ambush and eliminate Pechetti and Stolzoff. The team splits into groups to continue the salvage and attempt to establish communications. Suddenly, the away team's runabout detaches from the station and explodes, stranding them inside with no means to send for help and under threat from the two recently-awoken Cardassians. On the abandoned station, the team discovers two empty and recently deactivated stasis tubes and a third one with a dead Cardassian soldier, whose uniform marks him as a member of an elite and ruthless battalion. As Cardassians routinely booby-trap abandoned facilities against non-Cardassian intruders, Garak is brought along to help disarm the security measures, and Garak uses the time to bring up O'Brien and his actions as a soldier on Setlik III against Cardassians. The salvage team consists of O'Brien, Cardassian ex-spy Garak, cadet Nog, engineers Pechetti and Boq'ta, and security officers Stolzoff and Amaro. The only way to obtain a replacement is by salvaging it from Empok Nor, an abandoned Cardassian space station built to the same design as Deep Space Nine. Plot Ĭhief O'Brien needs to replace a failing component of Deep Space Nine's machinery. After his second script for DS9 was accepted, he was hired as a writer for Star Trek: Voyager. Fuller got his start as a writer through the open submission policy of Star Trek at that time, and his submission for a Deep Space Nine plot was accepted.


Other series he wrote for include Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Discovery. This episode was one of the first written by Bryan Fuller, who went to write dozens more episodes in the Star Trek franchise. To accomplish this mission it is necessary to overcome booby traps, including two Cardassian soldiers lying in wait on the station to eliminate intruders. In this episode, Miles O'Brien, Deep Space Nine's chief of operations, leads a team to the abandoned Cardassian space station Empok Nor to salvage equipment for Deep Space Nine.

deep space nine cast garik

Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of Deep Space Nine, a space station near the planet Bajor, as the Bajorans recover from a brutal decades-long occupation by the imperialistic Cardassians.

deep space nine cast garik deep space nine cast garik

The screenplay was written by Bryan Fuller and Hans Beimler, and it was directed by Mike Vejar. The episode aired on television on May 19, 1997. " Empok Nor" is the 122nd episode of the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the 24th episode of the fifth season. 24th episode of the 5th season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine " Empok Nor"

Deep space nine cast garik